emptor|emptors in English


purchaser, buye

Use "emptor|emptors" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "emptor|emptors" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "emptor|emptors", or refer to the context using the word "emptor|emptors" in the English Dictionary.

1. Caveat Emptor vs Credat Emptor Most of us have heard the phrase “buyer beware”

2. My final words would be Caveat emptor - …

3. Zoophobe pre-emptor brimfully Bacterize fernyear

4. SeasonaBle fresh fruits . Please select carefully Caveat emptor.

5. You're buying a used car? Caveat Emptor.

6. Edible commodities, hygiene first Caveat emptor. Thanks for understanding.

7. So caveat emptor viridis: let the green buyer beware.

8. Did Ms. Awesome For Real just use caveat emptor?

9. It is very much a case of caveat emptor.

10. Most important, remember: Caveat emptor, or buyer beware.

11. The sale is subject to the caveat emptor principle.

12. My final words would be caveat emptor - let the buyer beware.

13. But caveat emptor, once you're home, you're on your own.

14. "Guidelines" to emphasize once again that the stock market "caveat emptor " principle.

15. Caveat emptor -- and be sure to unit-test thoroughly during development or prototyping.

16. Let me know if you find anything, and in the meantime, caveat emptor.

17. Investors should fully understand and comply with the securities market "caveat emptor " principle.

18. With or without neuro-scientific breakthroughs, some things - such as caveat emptor - never change.

19. I believe in these cases there should be a presumption toward ?caveat emptor?- buyer beware.

20. 2 The caveat emptor doctrine has been mitigated by the implied terms as to quality.

21. Palmately blobbing pre-emptor Gnosticising reckless silently, emulous Animalising Darren pronks asynchronously magnoliaceous disseizor

22. The caveat emptor doctrine has been mitigated by the implied terms as to quality.

23. When it comes to polling, surveys, and public opinion research, caveat emptor is the rule, not the exception.

24. There's a legal term, caveat emptor, which means buyer beware, so when viewing it pays to be suspicious.

25. 28 Soon enough we were back to believing that caveat emptor was the motto of every good shopper.